URC is a simple interface to the serial port of the various Universal
Remote Controls (URC-xxxx) made by Universal
Electronics Inc. (UEI.)
- The main window is shaped and operates like the physical remote control
making for easy recognition of key layout and a pleasant operating experience.
- URC is Apple-Scriptable-Recordable enabling control from various other
software as well as recording of macros with programs such as Script Editor.
- URC can talk via any serial port supported by the Mac, not just Modem and
- Balloon Help is available.
To operate a URC by UEI you need a serial cable that interfaces the
computer to the remote. This cable can be purchased from various sources
(I recommend ASI - www.asihome.com) for
$20.00 or so. You will also need a din9-din8 adapter.
Download URC by clicking here.
Version history:
1.0 Initial version - tested only by myself and probably full of bugs.